Remote Operative Vehicle: History, Functions, And Types

Remote operative vehicle: History, functions, and type

What are ROVs?

ROVs are remotely controllable vehicles which are connected to the operating unit. These ROVs are not one-way signalling units, which work by controlling signals, but also provide the data live with the help of cameras attached to the Vehicles. ROVs are built with robotic arms for collecting samples and cameras and bright light for visual inspection. ROVs are created for human safety, and to research places humans can not reach. After the offshore developed the MOBOT, other industries also started to use ROVs and AUVs for research purposes.

History of ROVs:

These ROVs invented years are still a mystery. Still, many peoples wildly developed these ROVs because of the demonstration of PUV (Programmed Underwater Vehicle) which was designed by Luppis’s industry named Whitehead Automobiles in Austria 1864. After the development of PUV, it was primarily used in the navy. In the later 1950s, offshore oil and the natural gas industry developed the MOBOT(Manipulative-operated Robot) and used the robot’s potential very well. Today’s Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) and Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) are the current states of PUVs.

Types of ROVs:

The ROVs are classified based on their uses, and there are mainly four types:

  • Observation class ROVs
  • Work class ROVs
  • Light work class ROVs
  • Micro or mini ROVs

Work Class ROVs:

These working-class ROVs are usually big and equipped with the latest tools and a camera for sea depths that the divers cannot reach. 

Light Work Class ROVs:

These ROVs are the exact opposite of work class ROVs which are generally small in size and equipped with one camera display with light, one still camera with a flash gun, and two shallow lights. These ROVs are used by a diver who controls them for his use. It can’t go deep because it is not built to handle the pressure of the deep ocean. 

Observation class ROVs:

The observation class ROVs are mainly made for visual inspection and light interferons tasks, and these ROVs were also used for dam safety inspection. These observation class ROVs are capable of carrying upto 30 kg. These ROVs are comparatively smaller than the working class ROVs. 

Micro Or Mini ROVs:

These ROVs are the smallest class of ROVs used to cover all the areas in the depth of the sea. These ROVs are built smaller and more vital to handle the pressure of the deep sea.

This is a brief explanation of the history, function, and types of ROVs, which helps you explore the new world under the water.