There is a different part of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective word, adverb, interjection, conjunction, and preposition. How the words providing meaning for the sentence as well as grammatically this all indicates with parts of speech. While using different words in different circumstances individual’s words may come across with more than one part of speech. Understanding parts of discourse are fundamental for deciding the right meaning of a word when utilizing the dictionary. Join Spoken English Classes in Chennai to learn the grammar and improve your fluency in English.
A noun refers to the name of a man, place, thing, or thought.
A noun is a word for a man, place, thing, or thought. Things are frequently utilized with an article (the, an, a), yet not generally. Formal people, places or noun always begin with a capital letter; normal things don’t. A noun can be singular or plural, concrete or unique. Noun demonstrates ownership by including ‘s. A noun can work in various parts of a sentence; for example, a noun can be a subject, direct noun, indirect noun, subject supplement, or protest of a relational word.
The young lady presented to me a long letter from the educator, and after that, she immediately vanished.
A verb communicates with action or being.
Bounce… is… compose… move toward becoming
The verb in a sentence communicates activity or being. There is a principle verb and in some cases at least one helping verbs. (“She can sing.” Sing is the fundamental verb; can is the helping verb.) A verb must concur with its subject in number (both are singular or both are plural). Verbs additionally take diverse structures to express tense.
The young lady presented to me a long letter from the educator, and afterward, she immediately vanished.
A pronoun is a word utilized as a part of a place of a thing (noun).
She… we… they… it
A pronoun is a word utilized as a part of a place of a noun. A pronoun is normally substituted for a particular thing, which is called its antecedent. In the sentence over, the precursor for the pronoun she is the young lady. Pronouns are additionally characterized by sort: individual pronouns refer to particular people or things; possessive pronouns show ownership; reflexive pronouns are utilized to another thing or pronoun; relative pronouns present a subordinate provision; and illustrative pronouns recognize, indicate, or refer to things.
Adjective changes or describes a thing or pronoun.
lovely… old… blue… savvy
An adjective is a word used to change a thing or a pronoun. It ordinarily answers the subject of which one, what kind, or what number of.
A conjunction changes or depicts a verb, a modifier, or another qualifier.
An adverb changes or describes a verb, a modifier, or other adverbs.
To modify a phrase or a word in a sentence before a noun or pronoun preposition will be used.
To express our emotion we use interjection.
To know details about parts of speech attend Spoken English Classes in Chennai to develop your skills in the English language.